New features and improvements

Since publishing Whiskers in the Wind only a week ago, it has already been purchased by over 60 people. I really appreciate the support and kind comments from so many of you!

Along with the comments has been some helpful feedback about the layout of the book, notably that it isn’t immediately obvious where to find stats for each creature and character as you read the details of the locations. Also, while people love the sandbox feel of the whole thing, there is room for more direction when it comes to establishing specific adventures and story lines for players.

With all that in mind, I have now updated Whiskers in the Wind to include the following:

New features

Page references for creatures and characters

The locations and encounters now include the page numbers where you will find the stat blocks for the mentioned creatures and characters. Similarly, the bestiary mentions the map location and page number for each of the 48 included stat blocks.

Faction goals

Each of the 7 factions now has a goal attached to their description. As with everything in the setting, these are optional, and can be used to guide players into new adventures and stories.

A new rumours table

I have added a d8 table of rumours to the back of the book. These can be relayed to the players by other characters, read about in local villages, or heard whispered on the wind as players travel. Each rumour indicates whether it should be considered true, partially true, or false.

Small updates and fixes

  • I corrected the ‘mud golem’ references in the MuddHome location description to ‘earth golem’ - this was a holdover from the working name I had been using for them before settling on their current name.
  • I moved the tree pixie image to the factions page, making way for a new tunnel spider image in the bestiary, once again using Oozejar’s fantastic art.

All of this is available to download now - if you have already purchased the setting, you can download the latest files now. All new buyers will have immediate access to them as well.

Happy adventuring!


Whiskers in the Wind (A5 landscape spreads).pdf 28 MB
Nov 12, 2024
Whiskers in the Wind (A5 landscape singles).pdf 29 MB
Nov 12, 2024

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